Chatoessus altus is an Ambiguous or Questionable Synonym of
Nematalosa nasus.
Nematalosa nasus (Bloch, 1795)
Bloch's gizzard shad - Barang - Native Fish - Wild (Freshwater)
Systematic Position: [
Kingdom | : | Animalia |
Phylum | : | Chordata |
Class | : | Teleostei |
Order | : | Clupeiformes |
Family | : | Clupeidae |
Genus | : | Nematalosa |
Species | : | Nematalosa nasus |
Common Names:English | : | Bloch's gizzard shad[6] |
Bangla | : | Barang[5] |
Synonyms:Maximum Length and Weight:247 mm (TL) [5] 25 cm (TL) and 300 g [1657]
Inter-Length Relationship:Head length : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 4.6-5 : 3.5-3.9 [5]
Body height : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 3.3-3.5 : 2.5-2.7 [5]
Eye Diameter : Head length = 1 : 3.5-3.8 [5]
Eye Diameter : Snout length = 1 : .7-.9 [5]
Eye Diameter : Inter orbial width = 1 : 1.2-1.3 [5]
Taxonomic Formula:Scales:45-48 scales on lateral line. 17-19 scales before dorsal fin base. 12-14 scales after pelvic fin base. 17-18 scales before pelvic fin base. [5]
Chemistry:Conservation Status:Global | : | Least Concern (LC) | (Version 3.1) [576] |
Bangladesh | : | Least Concern (LC) | (Version 3.1) [282] |
Occurrence/Distribution:Global | : | South Africa[1010] Andaman Island[746] Bahrain[68] Bangladesh[70] Cambodia[68] China[68] Hong Kong[868] India[855] Iran[68] Iraq[917] Japan[68] South Korea[68] Kuwait[68] Myanmar[857] Oman[899] Pakistan[68] Philippines[869] Qatar[68] Saudi Arabia[68] Singapore[68] Sri Lanka[68] Taiwan[68] Thailand[71] United Arab Emirates[68] Vietnam[748] |
Bangladesh | : | Zone 4: Chattagram-Cox's Bazar coastal waters, [1657] Zone 5: Shallow shelf sea (upto about 40m depth) in the Bay of Bengal, [1657] Zone 6: Industrial Fishing Zone (from 40 to about 90m depth) in the Bay of Bengal, [1657] |
Habitat and Environment:Habitat: Data not available
Environment:Parameters | Units | Minimum | Maximum | Optimum | Ref. |
Temperature | - | - | - | - | - |
pH | - | - | - | - | - |
DO | - | - | - | - | - |
Free CO2 | - | - | - | - | - |
Breeding Maturity:Breeding Season: (red background)
Fecundity:Egg: colour- Transparent, shape- Spherical, [938]
Food and Feeding Habit:Diet composition (%): Data not available
Importance:Production and Marketing:Production/Harvesting Season: Data not available
Harvesting Gears: Gill net, Trawl Net, Trawl Net, Set bag net, Set bag net [1657]
Gill net, Trawl Net, Trawl Net, Set bag net, Set bag net [1657]
Market price: Data not available