Pethia guganio is a valid scientific name.
Pethia guganio (Hamilton, 1822)
- Native Fish - Wild (Freshwater)
Systematic Position:Common Names:English | : | Data not available |
Bangla | : | Data not available |
Synonyms:Maximum Length and Weight:Inter-Length Relationship:Head length : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 5.2-5.4 : 3.7-4 [5]
Body height : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 3.5-4.2 : 2.6-3.2 [5]
Eye Diameter : Head length = 1 : 2.9-3.4 [5]
Eye Diameter : Snout length = 1 : .66-.84 [5]
Eye Diameter : Inter orbial width = 1 : 1.1-1.4 [5]
Taxonomic Formula:Scales:Chemistry:Conservation Status:Global | : | Least Concern (LC) | (Version 3.1) [619] |
Bangladesh | : | Least Concern (LC) | (Version 3.1) [307] |
Occurrence/Distribution:Global | : | Bangladesh[70] India[6] |
Bangladesh | : | Tulsiganga River, Joypurhat[780] Chitra river, Jashore[793] Punarbhaba, Dinajpur[1161] Feni river, Feni[1165] Muhuri river, Feni[1165] Lohalia river, Patuakhali[1200] |
Habitat and Environment:Habitat: Data not available
Environment:Parameters | Units | Minimum | Maximum | Optimum | Ref. |
Temperature | - | - | - | - | - |
pH | - | - | - | - | - |
DO | - | - | - | - | - |
Free CO2 | - | - | - | - | - |
Breeding Maturity:Breeding Season: (red background)
Fecundity:Food and Feeding Habit:Diet composition (%): Data not available
Importance:Production and Marketing:Production/Harvesting Season: (Green = Peak, Yellow = Off, Lemon = Moderate)Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | [792] |
Harvesting Gears: Seine net, Push net, Cast net [792]
Market price: 100-120 BDT/kg (Size: 8-10 cm, Weight: 15-20 g, Place: Noakhali, Bangladesh) [792]